The Soundwave bed, introduced worldwide in 2003, is actually an expertly crafted musical instrument. The client lays on the bed while the instrument is played: Harmonic Monochord strings strummed on one side and a grounding Tongue Drum played on the other. The vibrations of the music enter through the back of the body and instantly spread throughout the physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies dissolving tension and energetic blocks - thoroughly cleansing your system.
The celestial humming allows the client to float home ethereally while bathed in the harmonic melodies. The tongue drum helps ground the client back into earthly reality and integrate. The Soundwave Journey includes crystal bowls, gongs, drums and toning and is designed to take you on a vibrational journey deep within your own inner landscape.
The celestial humming allows the client to float home ethereally while bathed in the harmonic melodies. The tongue drum helps ground the client back into earthly reality and integrate. The Soundwave Journey includes crystal bowls, gongs, drums and toning and is designed to take you on a vibrational journey deep within your own inner landscape.
Soundwave Journeys $195*
(*Local rates also available)
Please call 928-202-8606 or email [email protected] to schedule.
"Thank you for sharing your etherial gift with me. There are no words...
Much gratitude." ~ J.S.
Please Choose from the Selection of Soundwave Journey's Below:
(*Local rates also available)
Please call 928-202-8606 or email [email protected] to schedule.
"Thank you for sharing your etherial gift with me. There are no words...
Much gratitude." ~ J.S.
Please Choose from the Selection of Soundwave Journey's Below:
Original Soundwave Journey
The original Soundwave Journey provides deep relaxation, while addressing energetic and physical blockages.
The client feels a profound connection to Source which easily allows for clearing, insights and more. The celestial humming allows the client to float home ethereally while bathed in the harmonic melodies. The tongue drum helps ground the client back into earthly reality and integrate. The Soundwave Journey includes crystal bowls, gongs, drums and toning and is designed to take you on a vibrational journey deep within your own inner landscape.
Session length: Approx 1.5 hours or more
$195* for 1 person
$270* for 2 people
(*Local rates also available)
($75 Each Additional person - 3 total - Original Soundwave Journey only)
The original Soundwave Journey provides deep relaxation, while addressing energetic and physical blockages.
The client feels a profound connection to Source which easily allows for clearing, insights and more. The celestial humming allows the client to float home ethereally while bathed in the harmonic melodies. The tongue drum helps ground the client back into earthly reality and integrate. The Soundwave Journey includes crystal bowls, gongs, drums and toning and is designed to take you on a vibrational journey deep within your own inner landscape.
Session length: Approx 1.5 hours or more
$195* for 1 person
$270* for 2 people
(*Local rates also available)
($75 Each Additional person - 3 total - Original Soundwave Journey only)
Healing Soundwave Journey $260
The Healing Soundwave Journey targets specific areas in your life that need some extra TLC.
We will first work together to explore specific areas in your life that are in need of some attention and tender loving care. The Soundwave Journey will be designed around your needs and specific chakras, working with the Soundwave Bed and other instruments and an array of healing techniques, which may include, breathwork, tuning forks, visualization, chanting and toning.
Session length: Approx 2 hours
Soundwave Journey: Your New Chapter $285
Letting Go & Calling In
A Soundwave Journey that includes a releasing ceremony as well as calling in your path of highest alignment.
We will first work together and dive into your releasing ceremony. Next, your Soundwave Journey will be designed around your specific needs, working with the Soundwave Bed, other instruments and an array of healing techniques. We will close with a ceremony to plant seeds for your next chapter.
Bring a Journal.
Session length: Approx 2+ hours
Letting Go & Calling In
A Soundwave Journey that includes a releasing ceremony as well as calling in your path of highest alignment.
We will first work together and dive into your releasing ceremony. Next, your Soundwave Journey will be designed around your specific needs, working with the Soundwave Bed, other instruments and an array of healing techniques. We will close with a ceremony to plant seeds for your next chapter.
Bring a Journal.
Session length: Approx 2+ hours
Shamanic Soundwave Journey $260
The Shamanic Soundwave Journey combines techniques (the client goes through the Breathwork process while on the Soundwave Bed) and is a profound experience through Breathwork, Vibration and Sound.
Shamanic Breathwork is a dynamic technique that uses a cathartic, primal breath to release blockages and old wounds from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This breath allows one to bypass the mind, dysfunctional patterns and belief systems to allow the transformational energy to go directly into the areas that are calling for release & empowerment. Breathwork clears energy, awakens the heart, connects you to your higher self, and creates expansive awareness. This process offers a vital opportunity for deep healing, personal growth, awakening and transformation.
Session length: Approx 2 hours
Womb Healing Soundwave Journey - For Women Only $325
The Womb Soundwave Journey is specifically designed to help women release energetic and cellular memory & trauma from the womb and vaginal area.
We will use a combination of The Soundwave Bed, breathwork, vibration, sound and various other healing techniques focusing on the womb area and second chakra to aid the physical, emotional and etheric bodies to release the trauma. The vibrational humming of the monochord allows for deep physical, energetic and emotional release.
Session length: Approx 2.5-3 hours or more
Transformational Breathwork &
Soundwave Journey Combination $260
This sessions combines both Transformational Breathwork and the Original Soundwave Journey, which provides a deeply unique integration of the Breathwork into the physical, mental and emotional bodies.
Transformational Breathwork is a dynamic technique that uses a cathartic, primal breath to release blockages and old wounds from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This breath allows one to bypass the mind, dysfunctional patterns and belief systems to allow the transformational energy to go directly into the areas that are calling for release & empowerment. Breathwork clears energy, awakens the heart, connects you to your higher self, and creates expansive awareness. This process offers a vital opportunity for deep healing, personal growth, awakening and transformation.
The original Soundwave Journey provides deep relaxation, while addressing energetic and physical blockages.
The client feels a profound connection to Source which easily allows for clearing, insights and more. The celestial humming allows the client to float home ethereally while bathed in the harmonic melodies. The tongue drum helps ground the client back into earthly reality and integrate. The Soundwave Journey includes crystal bowls, gongs, drums and toning and is designed to take you on a vibrational journey deep within your own inner landscape.
Session length: Approx 2 - 2.5 hours
Soundwave Journey Combination $260
This sessions combines both Transformational Breathwork and the Original Soundwave Journey, which provides a deeply unique integration of the Breathwork into the physical, mental and emotional bodies.
Transformational Breathwork is a dynamic technique that uses a cathartic, primal breath to release blockages and old wounds from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This breath allows one to bypass the mind, dysfunctional patterns and belief systems to allow the transformational energy to go directly into the areas that are calling for release & empowerment. Breathwork clears energy, awakens the heart, connects you to your higher self, and creates expansive awareness. This process offers a vital opportunity for deep healing, personal growth, awakening and transformation.
The original Soundwave Journey provides deep relaxation, while addressing energetic and physical blockages.
The client feels a profound connection to Source which easily allows for clearing, insights and more. The celestial humming allows the client to float home ethereally while bathed in the harmonic melodies. The tongue drum helps ground the client back into earthly reality and integrate. The Soundwave Journey includes crystal bowls, gongs, drums and toning and is designed to take you on a vibrational journey deep within your own inner landscape.
Session length: Approx 2 - 2.5 hours
Cymatics ~ Bringing Matter To Life With Sound

The term Cymatics was coined by Dr. Hans Jenny which is derived from the Greek word 'kyma' meaning 'wave' or 'ta kymatica' meaning 'matters pertaining to waves'. In 1787, the jurist, musician and physicist Ernst Chladni published "Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klangesor", "Discoveries Concerning the Theory of Music". In this and other pioneering works, Chladni laid the foundations for that discipline within physics that came to be called acoustics, the science of sound.
Among Chladni´s successes was finding a way to make visible what sound waves generate. With the help of a violin bow which he drew perpendicularly across the edge of flat plates covered with sand, he produced those patterns and shapes which today go by the term Chladni figures. Chladni demonstrated once and for all that sound actually does affect physical matter and that it has the quality of creating geometric patterns.
Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 1 of 3)
Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 2 of 3)
Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 3 of 3)
In 1967, the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published the bilingual book 'Kymatik -Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik' / 'Cymatics - The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations'. In this book Jenny, like Chladni two hundred years earlier, showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, spores, iron filings, water, and viscous substances, and places them on vibrating metal plates and membranes. What then appears are shapes and motion patterns which vary from the nearly perfectly ordered and stationary to those that are turbulently developing, organic, and constantly in motion.
When Jenny experimented with fluids of various kinds he produced wave motions, spirals, and wave-like patterns in continuous circulation. In his research with plant spores, he found an enormous variety and complexity, but even so, there was a unity in the shapes and dynamic developments that arose. With the help of iron filings, mercury, viscous liquids, plastic-like substances and gases, he investigated the three-dimensional aspects of the effect of vibration.
In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did not generate the same result! How is this possible? Did the ancient Hebrews and Indians know this? Is there something to the concept of "sacred language," which both of these are sometimes called? What qualities do these "sacred languages," among which Tibetan, Egyptian and Chinese are often numbered, possess? Do they have the power to influence and transform physical reality, to create things through their inherent power, or, to take a concrete example, through the recitation or singing of sacred texts, to heal a person who has gone "out of tune"?
An interesting phenomenon appeared when he took a vibrating plate covered with liquid and tilted it. The liquid did not yield to gravitational influence and run off the vibrating plate but stayed on and went on constructing new shapes as though nothing had happened. If, however, the oscillation was then turned off, the liquid began to run, but if he was really fast and got the vibrations going again, he could get the liquid back in place on the plate. According to Jenny, this was an example of an anti-gravitational effect created by vibrations.
What Hans Jenny pointed out is the resemblance between the shapes and patterns we see around us in physical reality and the shapes and patterns he generated in his investigations. Jenny was convinced that biological evolution was a result of vibrations, and that their nature determined the ultimate outcome. He speculated that every cell had its own frequency and that a number of cells with the same frequency created a new frequency which was in harmony with the original, which in its turn possibly formed an organ that also created a new frequency in harmony with the two preceding ones. Jenny was saying that the key to understanding how we can heal the body with the help of tones lies in our understanding of how different frequencies influence genes, cells and various structures in the body.
References :
— with Johan Badenhorst, Dalva Lucia Venter, Aritra Chaudhuri, Nathan Chagolla, Robert Pipan, Ben Zirkelbach, Steve Russell, Richard Leavitt andScottnLeslie Barger.
Among Chladni´s successes was finding a way to make visible what sound waves generate. With the help of a violin bow which he drew perpendicularly across the edge of flat plates covered with sand, he produced those patterns and shapes which today go by the term Chladni figures. Chladni demonstrated once and for all that sound actually does affect physical matter and that it has the quality of creating geometric patterns.
Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 1 of 3)
Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 2 of 3)
Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 3 of 3)
In 1967, the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published the bilingual book 'Kymatik -Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik' / 'Cymatics - The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations'. In this book Jenny, like Chladni two hundred years earlier, showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, spores, iron filings, water, and viscous substances, and places them on vibrating metal plates and membranes. What then appears are shapes and motion patterns which vary from the nearly perfectly ordered and stationary to those that are turbulently developing, organic, and constantly in motion.
When Jenny experimented with fluids of various kinds he produced wave motions, spirals, and wave-like patterns in continuous circulation. In his research with plant spores, he found an enormous variety and complexity, but even so, there was a unity in the shapes and dynamic developments that arose. With the help of iron filings, mercury, viscous liquids, plastic-like substances and gases, he investigated the three-dimensional aspects of the effect of vibration.
In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did not generate the same result! How is this possible? Did the ancient Hebrews and Indians know this? Is there something to the concept of "sacred language," which both of these are sometimes called? What qualities do these "sacred languages," among which Tibetan, Egyptian and Chinese are often numbered, possess? Do they have the power to influence and transform physical reality, to create things through their inherent power, or, to take a concrete example, through the recitation or singing of sacred texts, to heal a person who has gone "out of tune"?
An interesting phenomenon appeared when he took a vibrating plate covered with liquid and tilted it. The liquid did not yield to gravitational influence and run off the vibrating plate but stayed on and went on constructing new shapes as though nothing had happened. If, however, the oscillation was then turned off, the liquid began to run, but if he was really fast and got the vibrations going again, he could get the liquid back in place on the plate. According to Jenny, this was an example of an anti-gravitational effect created by vibrations.
What Hans Jenny pointed out is the resemblance between the shapes and patterns we see around us in physical reality and the shapes and patterns he generated in his investigations. Jenny was convinced that biological evolution was a result of vibrations, and that their nature determined the ultimate outcome. He speculated that every cell had its own frequency and that a number of cells with the same frequency created a new frequency which was in harmony with the original, which in its turn possibly formed an organ that also created a new frequency in harmony with the two preceding ones. Jenny was saying that the key to understanding how we can heal the body with the help of tones lies in our understanding of how different frequencies influence genes, cells and various structures in the body.
References :
— with Johan Badenhorst, Dalva Lucia Venter, Aritra Chaudhuri, Nathan Chagolla, Robert Pipan, Ben Zirkelbach, Steve Russell, Richard Leavitt andScottnLeslie Barger.
Valerie's Womb Healing Soundwave Journey was truly an experience that aided in the process of the release of my missed miscarriage as I am on a Holistic Healing Journey. Valerie made sure I was well taken care of during my Womb Healing Soundwave experience to get things moving in my Womb for release. (Fetal Tissue)
The SoundBed was otherworldly. It was truly a meditative experience, and I received what I needed as this was my first time participating in a full Soundwave Healing experience.
Valerie was intuitive to my needs during my session, transparent, and it was all divinely guided. She's compassionate and has a warm welcoming energy! My session felt personal to my soul purpose, and situation, and that's what made my session that much more powerful! The channeling I received was on point.
Valerie is truly gifted and skilled in her work with a lot of passion for it. Her work is magical, and the feeling I had afterwards spoke for itself. I am still processing it all, and this is something I will cherish for many lifetimes. It truly changed my life, and was a pivotal iniation to my Womb Healing, My Ancestral Lineage, and Generations to come. This is divine work. Asé.
I highly recommend if you deal with Womb issues, in need of a Womb Healing/Detox/Release, called to generational healing/trauma, know the power of our Wombs as a women or simply just curious. The benefits will be reaped. ~ C.R.
"My name is Ako Sakai. I am from Japan but now living here in Sedona. I am an expecting mother at 27 weeks. A friend gifted me a Sound Healing session with Valerie. I did not know what to expect at all and had never had a sound healing before.
Valerie welcomed me to her home with a gentle smile and peaceful energy. We had never talked much before this, but I felt very comfortable and safe with her almost instantly. After setting our intention and sharing a bit of with eachother, we began the session.
In a cozy and beautiful space was a special bed in the middle of the room and different music instruments attached to it and surrounding it. After getting comfortable in the bed, Valerie started the sound healing session for me and my baby.
I was very aware at first and enjoyed the different sounds and vibrations she made, which I could hear and also feel throughout my body and mind. Soon, the baby started moving and I felt that my baby could also hear and feel those sounds. I then became totally relaxed and very calm. I journeyed into deep places within myself, both familiar and new. It was an amazing and beautiful journey and difficult for me put into words. I entered into a timeless space.
Eventually, she started playing a drum and I felt it’s powerful vibration calling me to back to myself. I felt a strong energy from her drumming. It guided me to awaken from the depths that I have traveled to in a natural and gentle way. Baby started moving more at this time and it felt like baby was dancing.
After the session, Valerie shared with me some of her visions she had. She saw many dolphins jumping in the ocean and
when I think about baby I imagine the ocean and ocean sounds, so for me there is some connection.
Afterward I felt lighter and in harmony with my life and the baby. Both the baby and myself really enjoyed and benefited from this type of healing work and I am looking forward to returning for another session. I would recommend sound healing for any expecting mother, especially after the babies ears have fully developed." ~ AS
“In Valerie’s Sound Healing Session I journeyed deep into faerie forests then deeper into the shadows of my unintegrated traumas. These so deeply knotted and stuck past hurts were shaken loose by the vibrations and subsequently integrated into tangible, positive, and powerful shifts in my life experience. Her work moved seamlessly along with my personal work to achieve life-changing shifts. She was there as a solid and compassionate anchor through the vibration voyage and afterward as I created a new matrix with which to move forward. I highly recommend Valerie and her work for those wanting to access places in themselves that have been hard to reach and achieve major transformation. Thank you, Valerie!” ~ AB – Sedona, Arizona
"I have been on a path of consciousness and healing for the past 12 years and have tried numerous modalities to help with my path. Not quite knowing what to expect from Valerie's session I was open to a new experience. That is exactly what I got!! The sound bed was one of the most exciting sessions I have experienced thus far. It moved so much energy out of my body and released memories from the past that blew me away. I would recommend this session for anyone who is ready to deepen and expand into their natural way of being." ~ KR
"Words don't due justice how much I enjoyed our sound wave therapy session! I experienced a level of enlightenment I've never been close to before. That experience will always be with me. Than you SO much of that! You are truly gifted and I hope others will have the chance to experience the fascinating journey you provide! ~ CC
"Thanks for the profound experience I had on that sound bed earlier, Valerie. Quite unique! Amazing how I could get in such a deep trance so quickly... I highly recommend it. Love," ~ JB
"Thank you, Valerie, for a Powerful Sound Healing experience. My body is still vibrating and my liver outch is gone. Your passion for what you do is a gift and I will be recomending your Sound Bed Healing to all. Thank you again, much Love." ~ SE
I had a session last night from this beautiful woman on this fabulous Soundwave Bed in her very special healing room. WOW! What a precious journey it was! The tones from the monochord were out of this world and went very deep into my cells. The drumming not only was felt inside my being, yet also resonated the monochord and the two were powerfully working together. Val adds more sound healing with drum, and gong and other instruments which were all amazing healing for the body. Thank you for the deep space that was created for my being to rest and rejuvenate. Thank you...!
~ SS
My experience on the bed was very uplifting and shifting. Felt the vibrations through my bones and soft tissue, and Valerie's toning complemented the sound harmonics of he bed beautifully. ~ DR
I had a session with Valerie today and can totally recommend her magical 'Soundwave Journey'. My whole being felt sonically serenaded, and I was so relaxed and alert after the session. Do yourself a favor and book a session soon while this special is still happening. I loved it! ~ TC
Valerie offers a wonderful journey into the soundwaves, addressing both Earth and Heaven's tones into the body of living experience your body will never forget! ~ AC
The SoundBed was otherworldly. It was truly a meditative experience, and I received what I needed as this was my first time participating in a full Soundwave Healing experience.
Valerie was intuitive to my needs during my session, transparent, and it was all divinely guided. She's compassionate and has a warm welcoming energy! My session felt personal to my soul purpose, and situation, and that's what made my session that much more powerful! The channeling I received was on point.
Valerie is truly gifted and skilled in her work with a lot of passion for it. Her work is magical, and the feeling I had afterwards spoke for itself. I am still processing it all, and this is something I will cherish for many lifetimes. It truly changed my life, and was a pivotal iniation to my Womb Healing, My Ancestral Lineage, and Generations to come. This is divine work. Asé.
I highly recommend if you deal with Womb issues, in need of a Womb Healing/Detox/Release, called to generational healing/trauma, know the power of our Wombs as a women or simply just curious. The benefits will be reaped. ~ C.R.
"My name is Ako Sakai. I am from Japan but now living here in Sedona. I am an expecting mother at 27 weeks. A friend gifted me a Sound Healing session with Valerie. I did not know what to expect at all and had never had a sound healing before.
Valerie welcomed me to her home with a gentle smile and peaceful energy. We had never talked much before this, but I felt very comfortable and safe with her almost instantly. After setting our intention and sharing a bit of with eachother, we began the session.
In a cozy and beautiful space was a special bed in the middle of the room and different music instruments attached to it and surrounding it. After getting comfortable in the bed, Valerie started the sound healing session for me and my baby.
I was very aware at first and enjoyed the different sounds and vibrations she made, which I could hear and also feel throughout my body and mind. Soon, the baby started moving and I felt that my baby could also hear and feel those sounds. I then became totally relaxed and very calm. I journeyed into deep places within myself, both familiar and new. It was an amazing and beautiful journey and difficult for me put into words. I entered into a timeless space.
Eventually, she started playing a drum and I felt it’s powerful vibration calling me to back to myself. I felt a strong energy from her drumming. It guided me to awaken from the depths that I have traveled to in a natural and gentle way. Baby started moving more at this time and it felt like baby was dancing.
After the session, Valerie shared with me some of her visions she had. She saw many dolphins jumping in the ocean and
when I think about baby I imagine the ocean and ocean sounds, so for me there is some connection.
Afterward I felt lighter and in harmony with my life and the baby. Both the baby and myself really enjoyed and benefited from this type of healing work and I am looking forward to returning for another session. I would recommend sound healing for any expecting mother, especially after the babies ears have fully developed." ~ AS
“In Valerie’s Sound Healing Session I journeyed deep into faerie forests then deeper into the shadows of my unintegrated traumas. These so deeply knotted and stuck past hurts were shaken loose by the vibrations and subsequently integrated into tangible, positive, and powerful shifts in my life experience. Her work moved seamlessly along with my personal work to achieve life-changing shifts. She was there as a solid and compassionate anchor through the vibration voyage and afterward as I created a new matrix with which to move forward. I highly recommend Valerie and her work for those wanting to access places in themselves that have been hard to reach and achieve major transformation. Thank you, Valerie!” ~ AB – Sedona, Arizona
"I have been on a path of consciousness and healing for the past 12 years and have tried numerous modalities to help with my path. Not quite knowing what to expect from Valerie's session I was open to a new experience. That is exactly what I got!! The sound bed was one of the most exciting sessions I have experienced thus far. It moved so much energy out of my body and released memories from the past that blew me away. I would recommend this session for anyone who is ready to deepen and expand into their natural way of being." ~ KR
"Words don't due justice how much I enjoyed our sound wave therapy session! I experienced a level of enlightenment I've never been close to before. That experience will always be with me. Than you SO much of that! You are truly gifted and I hope others will have the chance to experience the fascinating journey you provide! ~ CC
"Thanks for the profound experience I had on that sound bed earlier, Valerie. Quite unique! Amazing how I could get in such a deep trance so quickly... I highly recommend it. Love," ~ JB
"Thank you, Valerie, for a Powerful Sound Healing experience. My body is still vibrating and my liver outch is gone. Your passion for what you do is a gift and I will be recomending your Sound Bed Healing to all. Thank you again, much Love." ~ SE
I had a session last night from this beautiful woman on this fabulous Soundwave Bed in her very special healing room. WOW! What a precious journey it was! The tones from the monochord were out of this world and went very deep into my cells. The drumming not only was felt inside my being, yet also resonated the monochord and the two were powerfully working together. Val adds more sound healing with drum, and gong and other instruments which were all amazing healing for the body. Thank you for the deep space that was created for my being to rest and rejuvenate. Thank you...!
~ SS
My experience on the bed was very uplifting and shifting. Felt the vibrations through my bones and soft tissue, and Valerie's toning complemented the sound harmonics of he bed beautifully. ~ DR
I had a session with Valerie today and can totally recommend her magical 'Soundwave Journey'. My whole being felt sonically serenaded, and I was so relaxed and alert after the session. Do yourself a favor and book a session soon while this special is still happening. I loved it! ~ TC
Valerie offers a wonderful journey into the soundwaves, addressing both Earth and Heaven's tones into the body of living experience your body will never forget! ~ AC